The recover / unistall / roll-back options on this Installer package are B-R-U-T-A-L........ (SAP SCN really needs a #FacePalm emoticon).
Nothing happens when we try to UN-INSTALL from Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
When we re-run the SETUP.EXE - we get the "Incomplete Operation Detected" message...
If you select NO - the installer EXITs.
If you select YES - the installer Resumes the Failed install - and gets stuck again at the original "InitAudit" problem.
***Bang Head [HERE]****
Anyone know a way to "Force" the Unistall / Roll-Back of a failed install....or do we have to re-install the Windows OS on this machine in order to blow all this stuff away - and start with a clean-slate...?