Hello Brandon,
You could use the ABAP transaction service for your requirement. Using the transaction service, you could create a sub transaction for every ,say 15 transactions,of which you could selectively decided to commit only 13 and roll back 2 etc.
In your scenario, a transaction consists of 2 BAPI calls, a failure in one of them should stop that transaction, but however, you want to bundle the successful ones and perform a single commit.
Here is a code snippet on how to achieve it.
TYPE-POOLS : oscon.
DATA : lr_tr_mgr TYPE REF TO if_os_transaction_manager,
lr_trans TYPE REF TO if_os_transaction,
l_error TYPE char1,
lr_trans_sub TYPE REF TO if_os_transaction.
cl_os_system=>init_and_set_modes( i_external_commit = oscon_false " No Explicit Commit work, End method triggers it.
i_update_mode = oscon_dmode_update_task_sync )." COMMIT WORK AND WAIT
lr_tr_mgr = cl_os_system=>get_transaction_manager( ).
*Parent transaction.
lr_trans = lr_tr_mgr->create_transaction( ).
lr_trans->start( ).
*Sub transaction
lr_trans_sub = lr_tr_mgr->create_transaction( ).
lr_trans_sub->start( ).
*Call your BAPI's.
"CALL funcion 'xxx'.
*check for return values from the function call for errors.l_error = 'X'.
"call function 'xxx'
*check for return values from the function call for errors.l_error = 'X'.
*End of sub transaction.
IF l_error IS NOT INITIAL."L_ERROR is set when there is a failure message from the bapi calls.
lr_trans_sub->undo( ).
*End of sub transaction.
lr_trans_sub->end( )." This does not commit.Commit happens only when the parent gets committed.
*End of Parent transaction.
lr_trans->end( ).
CATCH cx_os_transaction .
*Error handling...
WRITE: 'Error Occured in transaction processing'.