I'm a Business Intelligence Analyst working with QlikView and a SAP SR3 Database. I'm trying to find a way to show the sales orders that are pending(billing), but until now it has been very difficult to find a way to do it, plus i don't have a SAP Analyst to help me on this.
My application already has a query that shows Sales information, but the actual pending status is not been retrieved in the right way.
That's the query that i'm working right now:
Select distinct vbap.vbeln "Ordem de Venda Valor", --Sales Order ID vbap.matnr "Material",--Material nvl(case when sum(case when vbap.zmeng > 0 then vbap.zmeng else vbap.kwmeng end) <> sum(nvl(case when vbfa.vbtyp_n = 'N' then vbrp.fkimg*-1 else vbrp.fkimg end, 0)) then (vbap.netwr + vbap.mwsbp) - sum(nvl(case when vbfa.vbtyp_n = 'N' then (vbrp.netwr + vbrp.mwsbp)*-1 else vbrp.netwr + vbrp.mwsbp end, 0)) end, 0) SALDO_-OV -- Balance ,vbap.posnr "Item_Fat" ,case when nvl(sum(case when vbap.zmeng > 0 then vbap.zmeng else vbap.kwmeng end), 0) > sum(nvl(case when vbfa.vbtyp_n = 'N' then vbfa.rfmng*-1 else vbfa.rfmng end, 0)) then 'Pendente' -- Billing Pending Status else 'Concluido' -- Billing Concluded Status end STATUS_FAT_OV From sapsr3.vbap vbap ,sapsr3.vbrp vbrp ,sapsr3.vbfa vbfa Where vbrp.mandt (+)= vbap.mandt And vbrp.aubel (+)= vbap.vbeln And vbrp.aupos (+)= vbap.posnr And vbfa.vbelv (+)= vbrp.vbeln And vbfa.mandt (+)= vbrp.mandt And vbfa.posnv (+)= vbrp.posnr And vbap.abgru not in ('19', '20', '21') And vbrp.vbeln not in ( Select vb2.vbelv From sapsr3.VBFA vb2 Where vb2.mandt = vbrp.mandt and vb2.vbelv = vbrp.vbeln and vb2.posnv = vbrp.posnr and vb2.VBTYP_N = 'N' and vb2.VBTYP_V = 'M') And vbrp.aubel not in (select ff.vbelv From sapsr3.vbfa ff Where ff.vbelv >= '0020000000' And ff.vbelv < '0040000000' And ff.vbelv = vbrp.vbeln And ff.posnv = vbrp.posnr And ff.mandt = vbrp.mandt) Group By vbap.vbeln ,vbap.matnr ,vbap.posnr ,vbap.zmeng ,vbap.kwmeng ,vbrp.fkimg ,vbap.netwr ,vbap.mwsbp ,vbrp.netwr ,vbrp.mwsbp;
I would appreciate some help on this quest. I'm really newbie on SAP tables, so maybe it's everything wrong =/
Obs: Sorry for my bad English.