Hello Gurus,
I have a situation where, when the user enter “Parent Company” say for ex: ABC, then the over all
Result should filter by ‘ABC’, and then there is key figure column where I need to consider not equal to ABC and then sum the key figure.
In HANA, here both variables and Input patemters are mutually exclusive. Is there any way that I can pass the value of the variable to the input parameters without writing the code in Analytical or calculation views.
If it’s BW-bex, it was very straight forward, I can create the variable for parent company ‘ABC’, put it as global filter, so that whenever the user selects ‘ABC” it should display on ABC data in the out put.
I can also use the same variable and crate calculated column in BEx and attach the variable to the key figure and say the sum the key figure but exclude the Parent company “ABC’.
I have tried the projection view and try to put filter on it, but it did not work. My requirement is
Whenever the user selects ABC, it should display only ABC data, only 10 records out of 100 records and for one key figure column; I need to aggregate but excluding the Parent company “ABC”.
Can I pass the Variable value to input parameters without writing the code?
Ramakrishnan Ramanathaiah