I am trying to learn HANA on my own.i have product id,product name,delivery date and Grossamount in my calculated view.i am trying to create calculated column where i need Grossamount in two columns based on delivery date.I have 2012 and 2013 as values for my delivery date.so i have created two column as grossamount_2012 and grossamount_2013.if i have delivery date as 4thdec,2012 i want the grossamount value to be in coloumn grossamount_2012 and the grossamount_2013 should be blank.i have written an expression like this
if("Deliverydate" <= longdate(2012-12-04),"Grossamount","0")
and it looks like this is wrong.i am getting the text Grossamount rather than values for that field in my output.so can anyone help me please?