That should work. There is no real advantage to having more than one transaction log file, and SAP generally recommends keeping it to one, though they do support multiple files.
As for the database files, however, yes, there is an advantage to spreading it over multiple files. The DBMS and the OS are able to better parallelize (not sure if I have the correct word there!) the I/O operations if they spread it to multiple files, and furthermore the OS can generally do a better job if the load is spread across multiple LUNs, even if in reality the disk volume is on a SAN and already spread across numerous physical spindles for a single drive letter. So, multiple files, one per drive letter, is a good way to go. There is some debate about how many files are ideal, and it has to do with how many logical CPUs your server has (it's not one-to-one, though). It is discussed in the whitepaper SAP with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2005: Best Practices for High Availability, Maximum Performance, and Scalability - Part I: SAP Architecture and SQL Server Basic Configurations, Features Used, and Windows Configurations.