Hi Daniel, Ii got the same error for the same component let me know if you find anything, I will keep you posted as soon as I hear from SAP, I have raised an OSS for this. MAIN IMPORT ERRORS and RETURN CODE in SAPI-74701INBICONT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 ETW000 now preparing for 2 parallel import processes 4 ETW000 2 import chunks, total object size = 540548 ==> defining up to 6 import portions with average size = 90091 4 ETW000 define import portion 032122 - 999999 (size = 26855) 4 ETW690 COMMIT "1432" "2204" 4 ETW000 waiting for the childrens' results (date&time: 10.05.2014 - 16:24:16) 2EETW000 child process 5996 terminated -> setting rc=12 for this import portion 4 ETW000 19 7.928239 4 ETW000 [dbdsoci.c ,00000] *** ERROR => ^^ Ds_exec() -> err=1=DS_SQLERR 15 7.928254 4 ETW000 [ dbds ,00000] ***LOG BY2=>sql error 24374 performing EXE 27 7.928281 4 ETW000 [ dbds ,00000] ***LOG BY0=>ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch 4 ETW000 18 7.928299 1AETW000 SQL error 24374 occured: ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch 2EETW000 Please contact the SAP support. 4 ETW000 20 15.111753 4 ETW000 [dbdsoci.c ,00000] *** ERROR => ^^ Ds_exec() -> err=1=DS_SQLERR 14 15.111767 4 ETW000 [ dbds ,00000] ***LOG BY2=>sql error 24374 performing EXE 30 15.111797 4 ETW000 [ dbds ,00000] ***LOG BY0=>ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch 4 ETW000 18 15.111815 1AETW000 SQL error 24374 occured: ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch 2EETW000 Please contact the SAP support. 1 ETP111 exit code : "16" Regards, Sreeram