This is a followup on a post I made earlier today about copying column controls in a datawindow. Terry Voth answered the question. The answer was 'no'. You have to edit the source file to copy columns and get the control to point to a new db column. I have attempted to do that. I have a bunch of columns repeated over 6 times, with only 1 digit changing in the name. I want to copy them and edit the source to get a new set of db columns. I show what I did in the attached screen shot. Basically I change the reference to the copied column from, for instance, nslctemp_program_1_cip_code_1 to nslctemp_program_2_cip_code. But when I do a retrieve in the datawindow painter, both sets of columns are pointing at the same data. I guess I need to edit the source someplace else as well. Can someone help out?