CIF_INILOAD is useful but not very convenient. Without the INILOAD function, an error in the material master or PDS integration model will cause the entire model to fail. INILOAD enables good blocks of master data (block size set in CFC3) to be activated thus enabling part of the model to be activated. A master data error in a block prevents every master data item in the block from being transferred. So, with large blocks, a few errors can fail large amounts of master data. If there are any failures, two models are created. One model is the active subset of the data and the other model is the failed data. The standard block size for material masters is 1024.
The inconvenient part is that the IM details don't show you what failed. You have to go to the application log. Also, the inactive model is supposed to be a subset of all data items selected in the model. Instead, it is the set of all data possible in the integration model.
For example, I have 8500 materials in an integration model. I get 5 failed materials and they happen to be in 2 blocks. My main IM will show in details that about 6452 materials are in the active model and 8500 are in the "inactive" model. Not very helpful. You have to look in the application log to find the failed materials.
Good luck with your attempts.
Best Regards,