Hello BS,
Surely, Pat on your back for asking such brilliant thoughtful questions Here I am trying to answer your queries and let me know if you agree with below details.
Yes, Technical periods gets created based on storage bucket profile, but(I think) that does not mean those are necessarily the same. Those will not be the same especially if different periodicities are used in the storage buckets profile (Example-Week and Month) (Refer Reason and Prerequisites section from above SAP Note)
Yes, Planning Bucket Profile(//TR30), Posting Periods and Technical Periods are subset of Storage bucket profile((//TR32). Since SBP is covers larger horizon amongst all others.
As you know Storage bucket profile is used to define how the data is stored in livecache. Whereas Planning bucket profile is used for displaying data in the planning book.
It is recommended to store the data at lowest granularity of time. So while creating SBP you require to include all the periodicities which you plan to use for displaying data using Planning bucket profile. Fiscal Year Variant(Tcode.OB29) in Storage Bucket Profile should have the lower or same periodicity compare to one which you plan to use in Planning Bucket profile.
Regarding FYV1 and FYV2 in Planning Bucket Profile, FYV1 is the one which you want use for displaying data in the dataview. In most cases you will see FYV2 = FYV1 or you will see FYV2 same as FYV used in Storage Bucket Profile. FYV1 can have higher or same periodicity(like Month) than FYV2(Week) but not other way.
I feel this is one of the very confusing area in APO-DP. I think it should made be simpler or at least there should a proper(easy to follow) documentation by SAP.
I am also hoping to see more responses to your question from other experts of community.
Hope this will help.
Thank you
Satish Waghmare