The date in this field displays the last time the interest calculation program processed this account.
It is clear that the system did not include customer in question in interest calculation run.
Please check with interest indicator and interest cycle have been defined for this customer. Also if there is any open item for the date range you are selecting. Usually Payment Term for the customer determines the due date.
Also if the same indicator is defined and calculating interest for other customers. If not then you need to check the item interest indicator is configuration correctly.
Please check the configuration in the sequence as mentioned below
- Interest Calculation Types (OB46)
- Interest on Arrears Calculation (OB85)... select calendar type G, Open and Cleared Items
- Interest rate in Time-Based Terms (OB81) for your indicator to be used for interest calculation for this customer.
- OBV1 AND OBV3 are setup.
- Form is defined in OB84 that will reflect the interest piece in notification
Lets see if this works.