Dear All,
Thx for your answer.
Here is another my query:
WITH receipt AS (
SELECT distinct owor.ItemCode, oign.DocNum, ign1.BaseRef, SUM(ign1.LineTotal) AS total_receipt,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by oign.docnum, ign1.baseref
ORDER BY oign.docnum, ign1.baseref) as row
FROM ign1 inner join OWOR on owor.DocNum=ign1.BaseRef and ign1.ItemCode=owor.ItemCode
inner join OIGN on oign.DocEntry=ign1.DocEntry
GROUP BY owor.ItemCode, ign1.baseref, oign.DocNum
issued AS (
SELECT ige1.ItemCode, OIGe.DocNum, ige1.BaseRef, sum(ige1.linetotal) as total_issue
FROM ige1 inner join OWOR on owor.DocNum= ige1.BaseRef
inner join WOR1 on wor1.DocEntry = owor.DocEntry inner join OIGE on oige.DocEntry= ige1.DocEntry
group by ige1.ItemCode, ige1.BaseRef, oige.DocNum
SELECT owor.ItemCode,
owor.DocNum, issued.DocNum as Issued_No,
SUM(issued.total_issue) AS issuedamount,
receipt.DocNum as Receipt_No,
SUM(receipt.total_receipt) AS receiptamount
FROM wor1 inner join owor on owor.DocEntry = wor1.docentry
left outer join issued
on issued.BaseRef = owor.DocNum
left outer join receipt
on receipt.BaseRef = owor.DocNum
where owor.DocNum=154
GROUP BY owor.ItemCode, owor.DocNum, issued.DocNum, receipt.DocNum
The result using the above query is in the screen capture:
The query can't give the expected result. Please help to improve the query so that it can give the expected result as same as in the print screen. Thank you