I've created a formula using datediff, and it is outputing the correct numeric data. I want to suppress the deail line that that formula is on anytime the formula is equal to 0. When I test for the value of 0 it will not suppress the line even though it is outputing 0 for the formula total. Actually it's outputting 0.00 because of the way I have the formula formatted. I even created another formula and put the variable created from the original formula tested it to see if it was equal to 0. It always came back as false even though I can see detail lines that are equal to 0. I've changed the formula from Exception for Nulls to Default Values for Nulls and that did not help.
Here's my formula for the variable that I'm calling SubDays:
datediff ("n",{@AddRdate},{@Addcdate})/1440
Thanks for the help.