Hi Pavan,
In some cases you need to fetch all the KEY fields (In this case BELZEILE needs to be fetched). If you Rephrase your select query to
Data : c_1001 type e_preis value '0000001001'.
SELECT belnr BELZEILE nettobtr preisbtr INTO TABLE i_price
FROM dberchz3
belnr = i_Erch-belnr and
preis = c_1001.
If you check the F1 help for FOR ALL ENTRIES, it clearly says that
The entire logical expression sql_cond is evaluated for each individual row of the internal table itab. The result set of the SELECT statement is the union set of the result sets produced by the individual evaluations. Rows that appear in duplicate are removed from the result set automatically(In our case since BELZEILE is not fetched, we have multiple belnr's which would be removed because of duplication) . If the internal table itab is empty, the entire WHERE condition is ignored and all rows from the database are placed in the result set.