Hi Kiran,
Step 1 : RSECADMIN-->Maintenance-->Create Authorizations by based on ZEMPLOYEE with * and name this whole Authorization as Query1. Repeat the same for Query2 but ZEMPLOYEE with some restricted values but not * here. This is what your requirement, right?
Step 2 : Go to User tab in RSECADMIN. Click on Assignment button-->It will take you to Assignment of User. As you said, you have to repeat this process for all 6 users. You have to enter either in Manual( You have to enter what you created in Step 1). Repeat the same for two scenarios.
Step 3 : Go to PFCG-->Create two separate roles for two queries. In role definition-->Authorizations Tab-->Change Authorizations data-->See below pic
Do the same for your second role also. That's it, your issue will be resolved. I have given you how Authorizations generally we assign with our customized requirements. Hope your issue will be resolved.