Hi Henry
Thanks for the prompt response.
We are using the BICs connection. I have reviewed note 1611185, which was useful thank you.
The rationale for your draft note makes perfect sense however I seem to see otherwise.
My query has 9 % rows using either percentage share (%A) or percentage variance (%).
Out of those 9 rows I have 4 which are showing in WEBi as a number. Those 4 all use the percentage share function. All pull through to WEBi without the % sign but all show in BW with the % sign.
The remaining 5 rows for the most part use the percentage variance function although 1 does use the percentage share.
In my example it appears to be only those rows that have cell formulas / selections which are pulling through as text whereas those that are using the percentage function with no cells are pulling through correctly as a number.
So my question then becomes - why would having cells defined in the BW query make a difference? Shouldn't WEBi just pick up the numbers that are presented?