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Re: which table has the info of Table Maintenance Generator



The below is list of tables related to DDIC functions.



DD0102V |      Generated table for view DD0102V     |

DD01D |      Dynpro fields for domain     |

DD01L |      Domains     |

DD01LV |      Generated table for view DD01LV     |

DD01T |      R/3 DD: domain texts     |

DD01TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for domains     |

DD01V |      Generated table for view DD01V     |

DD01VD |      Version display: Domain     |

DD01VV |      Generated table for view DD01VV     |

DD01V_OLD |      DD01V with old names     |

DD02ALL |      Table Parameters for ALLBASE     |

DD02D |      Screen Fields for Table     |

DD02DB2 |      DB2/390: Table Parameters     |

DD02DB6 |      Table Parameters for DB2 Version 2     |

DD02INF |      Table Parameters for INFORMIX, Version 6     |

DD02L |      SAP tables     |

DD02MSS |      Table Parameters for Microsoft SQL Server     |

DD02ORA |      Table parameters for ORACLE, version 6     |

DD02SYB |      Storage Parameters for Tables in SYBASE     |

DD02T |      R/3 DD: SAP table texts     |

DD02TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for tables     |

DD02V |      Generated table for view DD02V     |

DD02VD |      Version display: table header     |

DD02VV |      Generated table for view DD02VV     |

DD02V_OLD |      DD02V with old names     |

DD03D |      Dynpro fields for table fields     |

DD03K |      Generated table for view DD03K     |

DD03L |      Table Fields     |

DD03L_F |      BAPI field names for update     |

DD03M |      Generated table for view DD03M     |

DD03MI |      Index structure for view DD03M     |

DD03N |      Generated table for view DD03N     |

DD03P |      Structure     |

DD03P_D |      Dictionary Maintenance: Attributes of Structure Fields     |

DD03T |      DD: Texts for fields (language dependent)     |

DD03TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for fields     |

DD03V |      Table fields view     |

DD03VT |      Generated Table for View DD03VT     |

DD03VV |      Generated Table for View DD03VV     |

DD04D |      Dynpro fields for Data Element     |

DD04L |      Data elements     |

DD04T |      R/3 DD: Data element texts     |

DD04TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for data elements     |

DD04V |      Generated Table for View DD04V     |

DD04VD |      Version display: Data element     |

DD04VV |      Generated table for view DD04VV     |

DD04VVL |      Generated table for view DD04VVL     |

DD04VVT |      Generated table for view DD04VVT     |

DD05M |      Interface Structure for DD_TBFK_GET     |

DD05P |      Generated Table for the View DD05P     |

DD05Q |      Generated Table for the View DD05Q     |

DD05S |      Foreign key fields     |

DD05V |      View on foreign key fields     |

DD05VD |      Version display: Foreign key fields     |

DD06D |      Screen fields for SQL table     |

DD06L |      Pool/cluster structures     |

DD06T |      R/3 DD: texts on SQL tables     |

DD06TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for SQL tables     |

DD06V |      Generated table for view DD06V     |

DD06VD |      Version display: SQL table     |

DD06VV |      Generated table for view DD06VV     |

DD07D |      Screen fields for domain values     |

DD07L |      R/3 DD: values for the domains     |

DD07T |      DD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent)     |

DD07TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for domain fixed values     |

DD07V |      Generated Table for View DD07V     |

DD07VD |      Version display: Domain fixed values     |

DD07VT |      DD: Temp. Replacement Structure for VIEW DD07TV     |

DD08D |      Screen Fields for Foreign Keys     |

DD08L |      R/3 DD: relationship definitions     |

DD08T |      Texts on the relationship definitions     |

DD08TV |      Texts on the relationship definitions     |

DD08V |      Generated table for view DD08V     |

DD08VD |      Version display: foreign key     |

DD08VV |      Generated table for view DD08VV     |

DD08VVT |      Generated table for view DD08VVT     |

DD092526V |      Generated table for view DD092526V     |

DD09C |      ABAP/4: Sytem-dependent attributes of tech. settings     |

DD09L |      DD: Technical settings of tables     |

DD09V |      Interface: Technical Settings Table/View     |

DD09VD |      Version display: Technical settings     |

DD09VV |      Generated table for View DD09VV     |

DD09VVT |      Generated table for view DD09VVT     |

DD10L |      Lock table for DD activation     |

DD12D |      Screen fields for index maintenance     |

DD12DB2 |      DB2/390: Index Parameters     |

DD12DB6 |      Index Parameters for DB2 Universal Database Version 2     |

DD12INF |      Index parameter for INFORMIX     |

DD12L |      R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, header;     |

DD12MSS |      Index Parameters for MS SQL Server     |

DD12ORA |      Index Parameters for ORACLE     |

DD12SYB |      Index Parameters for SYBASE System_10     |

DD12T |      Text Table for DD12L (Short Descriptions of Sec. Indexes)     |

DD12TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for secondary indexes     |

DD12V |      Generated Table for View DD12V     |

DD12VD |      Version display: index     |

DD12VVT |      ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Index work structure     |

DD14S |      R/3 DD: components of SAP objects     |

DD14V |      R/3 DD: view on SAP object structure     |

DD15L |      R/3 DD: SAP objects     |

DD15T |      R/3 DD: texts on SAP objects     |

DD15V |      R/3 DD: view on SAP objects     |

DD16D |      Screen fields for SQL table fields     |

DD16S |      R/3 DD: SQL table fields     |

DD16V |      Generated table for view DD16V     |

DD16VD |      Version display: Fields of SQL tables     |

DD17S |      R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, fields     |

DD17V |      Secondary index fields with language key     |

DD20L |      Matchcode objects     |

DD20T |      AS400-T_MCOBJECT: MC Object Texts     |

DD20TV |      AS400-T_MCOBJECT: MC Object Texts     |

DD20V |      Generated table for DD20V view     |

DD20VD |      Version display: matchcode objects     |

DD20VVT |      Generated table for view DD20VVT     |

DD21S |      S-MCIDTABLE: Tables for a MC ID     |

DD21V |      V-MCIDTABLE: View of Tables for a MC ID     |

DD21V_VAR1 |      Special View on DD21V Tailored to Matchcode ID Generation     |

DD22V |      Generated table for view DD22V     |

DD22VD |      Version display: Lock object header     |

DD23H |      Generated table for view DD23H     |

DD23L |      Matchcode ID     |

DD23LS |      Generated table for View DD23LS     |

DD23T |      AS400_L-MCID: Matchcode ID Texts     |

DD23TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for matchcode IDs     |

DD23V |      Generated table for view DD23V     |

DD23VD |      Matchcode ID     |

DD23VVT |      Generated table for view DD23VVT     |

DD24A |      Generated table for view DD24A     |

DD24H |      Help System View on Fields of a MC ID     |

DD24S |      Fields of a matchcode ID     |

DD24V |      S-MCIDFIELD: View of MC ID Fields     |

DD2526V |      Generated table for view DD2526V     |

DD25D |      Screen fields for view     |

DD25L |      Aggregate Header (Views, MC Objects, Lock Objects)     |

DD25LS |      Generated table for view DD25LS     |

DD25T |      Short Texts for Views and Lock Objects     |

DD25TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for views and lock objects     |

DD25V |      Generated table for view DD25V     |

DD25VD |      Version display: View header     |

DD25VV |      Generated table for view DD25VV     |

DD25VVT |      Generated table for view DD25VVT     |

DD25Z |      Assignment of superview to subview - no longer required -     |

DD26D |      Screen fields for lock object maintenance     |

DD26E |      Interface Structure for Base Tables of a Lock Object     |

DD26EVD |      Version display: base tables of a lock object     |

DD26I |      Generated table for view DD26I     |

DD26S |      Base tables and foreign key relationships for a view     |

DD26V |      V-VIEWTABLE: View of Base Tables of a View     |

DD26VD |      Version display: Base tables     |

DD27D |      Screen fields for view fields     |

DD27I |      Generated table for view DD27I     |

DD27M |      Generated table for view DD27M     |

DD27P |      View of Fields in an SAP Table View     |

DD27S |      Fields in an Aggregate (View, MC Object, Lock Object)     |

DD27SV |      Generated table for view DD27SV     |

DD27V |      V-VIEWFIELD: View of Fields in an SAP View     |

DD27VD |      Version display: View fields, lock arguments, matchcode fld.     |

DD27VV |      Generated table for view DD27VV     |

DD27VVT |      Generated table for view DD27VVT     |

DD27VVTSTR |      Repository Infosystem: Structure via DD27VVT: View fields     |

DD28J |      Internal structure for joins of views     |

DD28JVD |      Version display: Joins of views     |

DD28S |      Lines of a selection condition     |

DD28V |      View on a Selection Condition     |

DD28VD |      Version display: Selection conditions     |

DD29L |      Selection Condition for Views and MC IDs     |

DD29T |      AS400_L-SELCOND: Selection Condition Texts     |

DD29V |      V-SELCOND: View on Header for a Selection Condition     |

DD30L |      Search helps     |

DD30T |      Search help texts     |

DD30TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for search helps     |

DD30V |      Generated table for view DD30V     |

DD30VD |      Version Display: General Attributes of Search Helps     |

DD30VV |      Generated table for view DD30VV     |

DD31D |      Search help inclusions with texts of included     |

DD31S |      Assignment of search helps to collective search helps     |

DD31V |      Assignment of search helps to collective search helps     |

DD32P |      Interface structure for search help parameters     |

DD32S |      Search Help Parameter     |

DD32V |      Search help fields     |

DD32VD |      Search help fields     |

DD33S |      Assignment of search help fields     |

DD33V |      Assignment of search help parameters for srch help inclusion     |

DD35L |      Search help attachments to structures: Headers     |

DD35V |      Assignment of structure fields and search helps: Headers     |

DD35VD |      Version display: search help attachm. to structures: header     |

DD35VV |      Generated table for view DD35VV     |

DD36M |      Interface structure for field assignments table-search help     |

DD36Q |      Generated table for view DD36Q     |

DD36S |      Parameter-field assignments for search help attachment     |

DD36V |      Assignment of structure fields and search helps: Fields     |

DD36VD |      Version display: parameter-field assignm. for s.h. attachm.     |

DD40D |      Screen Fields for Table Types     |

DD40L |      Table types (internal tables defined in DD)     |

DD40T |      Text on table types     |

DD40TV |      Versioning: foreign languages for table types     |

DD40V |      DD: Interface structure for table types     |

DD40VD |      Version display: table types     |

DD40VV |      Generated table for view DD40VV     |

DD41V |      Generated table for view DD41V     |

DD42S |      Key fields for table types (internal tab. defined in DD)     |

DD42V |      DD: Interface structure for table type key fields (TTKF)     |

DD42VD |      Version display: table type key fields (TTKF)     |

DD42V_EXT |      DD: Key Field of a Table Incl. Further Information     |

DD50D |      Screen Fields for Type Groups     |

DD51D |      Screen Fields for Lock Objects (Same Fields: DD25D Views)     |

DD52D |      Interface Structure for Base Tables of a Lock Object     |

DD53D |      Screen Fields for Lock Object Fields     |

DD90L |      Header Information for External Index     |

DD90T |      R/3-DD: Text for External Index     |

DD90V |      Generated Table for View DD90V     |

DD91S |      DocID Key Definition of External Index     |

DD91V |      DocID Key Definition of External Index     |

DD92S |      Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index     |

DD92V |      Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index     |

DD93S |      Attribute of an External Index     |

DD93V |      Attribute of an External Index     |

DD94S |      Languages of an Index Category     |

DD94V |      Languages of an Index Category     |

DD96S |      Synchronization Tables     |

DD96V |      Synchronization Tables of an External Index     |

DD97S |      Statements for Trigger and Stored Procedures     |

DDACL |      Exclusion times for ABAP/4 Dictionary actions     |

DDACTIONS |      DD: Structure for display ACTION -> text     |

DDACTRES |      DD: Activation result incl. dependent propagation     |

DDALIAS |      DD: Second name for accessing tables     |

DDALTER |      Information about Reasons for ALTER TABLE     |

DDAPPSRC |      SE11: Append origin of for. keys and src. help attachments     |

DDART |      DD: Data Class in Technical Settings     |

DDATCHK |      Field structure for screen 100 RUTATCHK     |

DDAUTHCTRL |      Control structure for authorization checks     |

DDAUTHTAB |      ABAP/4: database actions and flag if this is permitted     |

DDBOOK |      Output control table manual     |

DDBOOL |      Reference Structure for Interfaces     |

DDBTCMPTIT |      Column information for comparison of repeat groups     |

DDBT_CFLD |      Description of a non-elementary component of a structure     |

DDBT_DATA |      Information about a component of a complex data object     |

DDBT_DATD |      Type for packing complex data     |

DDBT_FDDES |      Type and position of contents of a field     |

DDBT_FLD |      Information about an elementary component     |

DDBT_STDEF |      Description of a structured type     |

DDBUF |      DD: For transferring the new buffering parameters     |

DDBYTE |      DD: X-fields for each bit of a byte     |

DDB_AST |      Table Structure for Author. Segm. Trigger     |

DDB_AW |      Configuration Transac. Data: Fact for Simple Characteristic     |

DDB_AZW |      Configuration Transaction Data: Fact for Restrictable Char.     |

DDB_C00 |      Transaction Data: DDDB_HAS_INST     |

DDB_C01 |      Transaction Data: DDDB_HAS_VAL     |

DDB_C02 |      DDB Change Messages (Configuration)     |

DDB_C03 |      Configuration Transac. Data: General Value Set     |

DDB_C04 |      Value Structure for Reading Characteristic Values from DDB     |

DDB_C05 |      Presentation Messages for DDB Instances     |

DDB_C06 |      Describes a characteristic value, as in priority tables     |

DDB_C07 |      Price Factors for Variant Conditions     |

DDB_ITP |      DDB: General Object Type     |

DDB_PO |      Part-of Structure in Configuration (DDB)     |

DDB_TO |      DDB Configuration: TYPE_OF-Fakt     |

DDCACHE |      DD: Control String for Read Routines     |

DDCCOND |      Conditions for Status Switch during Conversion     |

DDCCURRSTA |      DD: Conversion, statistics, intermediate values     |

DDCDIM |      DD: Conversion, number of table lines     |

DDCHKMESS |      ABAP/4 Dict.: contains messages for NA checks     |

DDCHK_CNT |      DD: Mass Check Statistics Counter     |

DDCHK_CTRL |      DD: Parameter for (Parallel) Mass Check Program     |

DDCLASSES |      DD: Structure for mapping CLASS -> text     |

DDCLAUSE |      SQL clause     |

DDCLIENT |      Structure for Clients     |

DDCNODE |      DD: Nodes in Status Graphs of Conversion     |

DDCNV |      Information why Conversion     |

DDCNVBODY |      DD: Definition of conversion steps - local attribute     |

DDCNVCTRL |      DD: Structure for parameters of ICNV     |

DDCNVDEFS |      DD: Definition of Conversion Steps     |

DDCNVEXIT |      DD: External conversion methods     |

DDCNVKEY |      Definition of Conversion Scenario - Key     |

DDCNVOPT |      Stsructure for Conversion Options     |

DDCNVREF |      DD: Reference structure for conversion requirements     |

DDCNVRESS |      DD: Structure for results of FB DD_ICNV_UPGRADE     |

DDCNVSTAT |      DD: Statistical Data for Conversion     |

DDCNVTABL |      DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/component     |

DDCNVTIMES |      DD: Exclusion times for conversion     |

DDCNVUPGR |      DD: Control structure for ICNV steps during upgrade     |

DDCNVUSR |      DD: Exception table of converter     |

DDCOMPARE |      Return from generic comparison tool: RS_VERS_COMPARE_TAB     |

DDCOMTOTAB |      Comment on the Table Rows     |

DDCON |      Condition for IN operator     |

DDCONH |      Storage Parameter (condition)     |

DDCPRO |      DD: Conversion projects     |

DDCPROGRES |      DD: Conversion, statistics, intermediate values     |

DDCPROT |      DD: Text on conversion projects     |

DDCPROTAB |      DD: Table for conversion projects     |

DDCPYSTAT |      DD: Statistics data for table copy     |

DDCQUEUE |      DD: Queue for CNV Operations     |

DDCSCANSTA |      DD: Conversion, scan history     |

DDCSTA |      DD: Conversion, number of table lines     |

DDCSTAT |      DD: Statistics table for conversions     |

DDCSTAT_I |      DD: Statistics Data for Conversions     |

DDCSTAT_K |      DD: Statistics Data for Conversions - Key Part     |

DDCSTAT_T |      DD: Statistics Data for Conversions     |

DDCT_TYPE |      Type Information for LOW and High of a Range Type     |

DDCURSOR |      DD: Reference structure for cursor area     |

DDCVERTIC |      Link of Status Graph of Conversion Program     |

DDDBOPERA |      Virtual table of outstanding DB operations     |

DDDBOPS |      Virtual table of outstanding DB operations     |

DDDBSPACE |      Structure for DBSpaces/Tablespaces     |

DDDBUTMREQ |      Interface for mass processing requests     |

DDDBUTREFS |      DD: Database utility reference fields     |

DDDECIDE |      Information about Structure Changes to DB Objects     |

DDDEPDESCR |      Internal Description of a Dependent Object     |

DDDEPRES |      DD: result of handling of dependent objects     |

DDDEPTAB |      DD: Dependencies Sorted By Dependent Objects     |

DDDOACTRES |      DD: Status of domains (activation result)     |

DDDOMSTATE |      DD: Status of domains     |

DDDOSTATE |      Status of Objects     |

DDDTRENUPG |      DD: Table for Renaming Data Elements During Upgrade     |

DDDTSTATE |      DD: Status of Data Elements     |

DDENA |      Lock argument fields     |

DDENQS |      Lock object structure for Dictionary objects (inc. index)     |

DDENQ_LIKE |      Ref. Fields for Parameters of the ENQUEUE Function Module     |

DDERR |      R/3 DDIC: Error Code From Modules     |

DDERR_O |      Return code structure in consistency layer of the DD     |

DDEXTIDXS2 |      DocID Key Definition of External Index     |

DDEXTIDXS3 |      Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index     |

DDEXTIDXS4 |      Attribute of an External Index     |

DDEXTIDXS5 |      Synchronization Tables with Stored Proc. for External Index     |

DDF4ATTRVA |      Document Attribute with Value for Indexing/De-indexing     |

DDF4DBTRIG |      Tables and Triggers     |

DDF4EXIXS3 |      Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index     |

DDF4IDCTRL |      Control Structure for Data Selection for an External Index     |

DDF4IDPROT |      Structure for Log Table for Updating External Indexes     |

DDF4IDXCON |      Document Contents for External Index     |

DDF4KEYTAB |      Key for Selection Module / Search Engines     |

DDF4LBBUF1 |      List Box Buffer: GUID and Time Stamp for a Table     |

DDF4PSALLS |      Structure for General Personalization of Search Helps     |

DDF4PSINDX |      Contains Information for Personalizing the F4 Help     |

DDF4SEKEYS |      Structure for Document Key of Log Table     |

DDF4SERFC |      RFC Destinations of a Search Server Relation     |

DDF4SYNCIV |      Synchronization Interval for External Index     |

DDF4TRACE |      INDX Structure for Holding F4 Trace (List Box)     |

DDF4TRADAT |      Data to be Stored in DDF4TRACE     |

DDF4TRIGTR |      Structure for Tree Representation of DB Trigger     |

DDFIELD |      DB-relevant description of DD table fields     |

DDFIXVALUE |      Description of a Fixed Value     |

DDFKEYRC |      DD: Message numbers for foreign key violations     |

DDFLDNAM |      Name of a DD table field     |

DDFLDSPATH |      DD: field information and field name with entire path     |

DDFLG1 |      Flag byte 1 of nametab for field attributes     |

DDFLG2 |      Flag byte 2 in nametab for field attributes     |

DDFLG3 |      Flag Byte 3 of Nametab for Field Attributes     |

DDFLG4 |      Flag byte 4 of nametab for field attributes?     |

DDFLGBYTE |      Table attributes in nametab header     |

DDFTX |      Run-time object with Screen Painter texts     |

DDFTYP |      DD: Structure to test fields without data elements     |

DDGENTAB |      DD: Structure of Gentab (Mass Activation Program)     |

DDGR_NAME |      DD: Names of DD objects for graphic algorithms     |

DDGR_OBJ |      DD: Object lists for graphic algorithms     |

DDGR_REL |      DD: Relations list for graphic algorithms     |

DDGR_RELIX |      DD: Relation over object index for graphic algorithms     |

DDHDFLG3 |      DD: Header flag 3 expanded     |

DDHDFLG4 |      DD: Header flag 4 expanded     |

DDHDFLG5 |      DD: Header flag 5 expanded     |

DDHDFLG6 |      DD: Header flag 6 expanded     |

DDHELPSTRT |      Table Fields for Reference     |

DDICNVCHE |      DD: Condition variables for incremental conversion     |

DDICNVCTRL |      Control String for Transaction ICNV     |

DDICNVDAYS |      DD: Days of Week     |

DDICNVDIST |      Distribution of data records of base tables     |

DDICNVENQ |      DD: Structure to lock the ICNV     |

DDICNVLST |      Contains information on converter exits     |

DDICNVMON |      DD: Structure for ICNV monitor     |

DDICNVPREP |      DD: Control Structure for ICNV in Upgrade     |

DDICNVPROS |      Process information for incremental conversion     |

DDICNVREF |      Reference structure for interfaces of ICNV     |

DDICNVRES |      DD: Results of ICNV Checks in Upgrade     |

DDICNVUPGR |      DD: ICNV Control for Upgrade Phase PREPARE     |

DDIDELCHK |      Control String for Check Whether Fields May Be Deleted     |

DDIKEYCHK |      Control String for Checking the Key     |

DDILTYCHK |      Control String for Checking Long Fields     |

DDINDEX |      Information for indexes     |

DDINDXACT |      Information what kind of Index is Required in DB     |

DDINFO |      DD: Info Part of the Navigation Table for DD Objects     |

DDINNUCHK |      Control String for Checking NOT NULL Flags     |

DDIPCLCHK |      Control String for Table Type Test with Pool/Cluster     |

DDIPOOCHK |      Control String for Additional Tests for Pooled Table     |

DDIREFCHK |      Control String for Checking Reference Fields     |

DDIREL |      Relation Source and Target Tables in the ICNV     |

DDISAACHK |      Control String for Checking Fields for SAA Standard     |

DDISAHCHK |      Control String for Checking Header for SAA Standard     |

DDITANCHK |      Control String for Table Name Tests (Except SAA)     |

DDITEHCHK |      Control String for Checking DD02L <-> DD09L/Header Checks     |

DDITESCHK |      Control String for Checking DD02L <-> DD09L/Field Checks     |

DDIVAHCHK |      Control String for Checking the Fixed Values (Header)     |

DDIVALCHK |      Control String for Checking the Fixed Values (Fields)     |

DDKONTEXT |      Context of DD Maintenance     |

DDLBBUFTST |      Test: Recognize Access to Buffered Tables     |

DDLCH |      Logical Channel Info from the R/3 Repos. - Standard Version     |

DDLOAD |      DD: Reference structure for loading/unloading tables     |

DDLOADD |      R3load-data table for migration     |

DDLOADH |      R3load-header table for migration     |

DDLOGDEF |      DD: Formal definition of log and trace output     |

DDLREF |      Log Reference in Dictionary - Standard Output     |

DDMASS |      DD: Structure for mass activator parameters     |

DDMASSAC |      DD: Control operations for DD objects during mass activation     |

DDMASSCTRL |      DD: Control Input Par. for DD_MASS_ACT_PARALLEL     |

DDMASSTST |      DD: Control Structure for Test Mode Mass Activation Program     |

DDMATASKCT |      DD: Control Parameter for Mass Act. for Each Task     |

DDMESS |      Message in non-expanded form     |

DDMSACTRC |      DD: Return Information about Activation     |

DDMSCHK |      Structure for screen variables of mass checks     |

DDMSG |      DD: Structure for Messages     |

DDMUTEX |      DD: Table for implementing reciprocal exclusions     |

DDNAMECONF |      Return structure for function module DD_NAME_CONFLICT_AREA     |

DDNAMES |      Structure for Dictionary Checks     |

DDNAMETAB |      Structure for Display Nametab     |

DDNMB |      DD: Data records per extent (minimum/maximum number)     |

DDNTFLAG |      Structure for Explaining Nametab Flags     |

DDNTHEADER |      Structure for Nametab Header     |

DDNTHIST |      DD: history nametabs in time interval     |

DDNTSACT |      DD: Possible actions on nametab byte     |

DDNTTHISTS |      Nametab history: table information on DB table DDNTT_HIST     |

DDNUMFVAL |      DD: Structure for numeric fixed values     |

DDOBJ |      DD: Name of an ABAP Dictionary object     |

DDOBJCLASS |      Classification of ABAP Dictionary objects     |

DDOBJCOST |      DD: Relative costs per DD object type     |

DDOBJDIR |      DD: Structure for Objects in Mass Checks     |

DDOBJKEY |      DD: Key of DD Objects (Type Name)     |

DDOBJPOS |      DD: Position of an object     |

DDOBJTEXT |      Dictionary Objects: Texts     |

DDOCC |      Occurrence of Table/Field in Aggregates or as Reference     |

DDOP |      DD: Specification of DDL Operations     |

DDOPADMIN |      DD: Management Information on an DD/DB Operation     |

DDOPER |      Lock arguments for DD processes     |

DDOPKEY |      DD: Key of a DD/DB Operation     |

DDOPOBJ |      DD: Object on which a DD/DB Operation is Performed     |

DDOPTIME |      DD: Time of a DD/DB Operation     |

DDPAMSCTRL |      DD: Controls Parallel Handling during Mass Activation     |

DDPAR |      R/3 Dict: table of internal parameters     |

DDPARLIST |      Control structure for outputting parameter values     |

DDPART |      DD: Partitioned form of TBATG     |

DDPARTKEY |      DD: Global attributes of table DDPART     |

DDPATH |      DD: Definition of access paths     |

DDPCH |      Physical Channel Info from the R3/Repos. - Standard Version     |

DDPOPUPT2F |      DD: Description of a dialog box with 2 columns and 1 flag     |

DDPRH |      R/3 DD: Log header     |

DDPRH_ALV |      Structure for DDPRH for Display with ALV Grid     |

DDPRID |      DD: Representation of a list of log IDs     |

DDPRLOCK |      DD: Lock granularity for standard output     |

DDPRMASQUE |      DD: Mask for overlaying a log line     |

DDPROF |      DD: Settings for DDIC programs     |

DDPROPVAL |      DD: Attribute value pairs     |

DDPROTOBJ |      DD: Object Table for Log Entries in DDPRH, DDPRS     |

DDPRS |      R/3 DD: log lines     |

DDPRT |      Structure of ABAP/4 Dictionary logs     |

DDPRTENQ |      Control string: print lock objects     |

DDPRTGEN |      Interface: general print options     |

DDPRTLIST |      Input list for printing DD objects     |

DDPRTMC |      Control string: print option for matchcodes     |

DDPRTPARA |      Parameter for print editing     |

DDPRTSHLP |      Control string: print options for search helps     |

DDPRTTAB |      Control string: print options for tables     |

DDPRTUVAR |      User settings for printing DD objects     |

DDPRTVIEW |      Control string: print options for views     |

DDPRTXT |      R/3 DD: Log texts     |

DDPRT_FRM |      Format Definitions for Printing Dictionary Objects     |

DDPRT_I |      Interface for ABAP/4 Dictionary logger     |

DDRANGE |      Reference structure for ranges in the ABAP Dictionary     |

DDREF |      Table/Field and Associated Reference Table/Field     |

DDREFSTRUC |      DD: General Reference Structure in ABAP Dictionary     |

DDREFTAB |      ABAP/4 D: Dependencies Sorted by Referenced Objects     |

DDRELSTRUC |      DD: Relationships between DD objects     |

DDRELTAB |      DD Dict.: structure for relations     |

DDSCR |      DD Interface: View of Field Attributes in the Nametab     |

DDSECHKKEY |      Structure for Comparing Definition of Log Table     |

DDSECHKPRT |      Log Display Admin. Search Index     |

DDSERVERIF |      DD: Info for Application Server for Parallel Processing     |

DDSERVPERF |      DD: Performance Key Figures of Server for Par. Execution     |

DDSESELOPT |      Selopt Structure for the F4 Help with Search Engines     |

DDSETSTATE |      Status of Objects     |

DDSETYPTAB |      Search Type Search Engine     |

DDSEVMAP |      DD: Map severity for level/STDO     |

DDSEVSUM |      DD:     |

DDSHBUTTON |      Buttons on the Hit List     |

DDSHCUMAR |      Information on Cursor Position and Markings     |

DDSHDEFLT |      Description of a default value for search help fields     |

DDSHDEFSH |      Default value - search help per user and collective s.h.     |

DDSHDESCR |      Interface: elementary search helps of a search help     |

DDSHENTITY |      Table of data elements which need the value table help     |

DDSHEXMPL1 |      Structure for F4 help example RUTSHEXP     |

DDSHF4CTRL |      Control Structure for F4 Process with Search Help Exit     |

DDSHF4ENV |      Program Environment for F4 Field     |

DDSHFPROP |      Characteristics of search help parameters     |

DDSHHVALUE |      Historic Help Values     |

DDSHICON |      Management of Icon Information     |

DDSHIFACE |      Interface description of a F4 help method     |

DDSHLDB1 |      Interface structure search help <-> logical DBs     |

DDSHLPVERS |      Current Version of Search Help Activator     |

DDSHOCXINT |      Communications between F4 process and search help OCX     |

DDSHOFFLD |      Shared buffer for search help for a DDIC field     |

DDSHOUTFLD |      Interface structure for FM to search help selection     |

DDSHPVALUE |      Personal Help Values     |

DDSHRETVAL |      Interface Structure Search Help <-> Help System     |

DDSHSELOPT |      Selection options for value selection with search help     |

DDSHTECINF |      Technical information about a search help     |

DDSPAR |      Storage clause for tables and indexes     |

DDSPAR1 |      Storage clause for tables and indexes     |

DDSPAR2 |      Storage clause for tables and indexes     |

DDSTATE |      Status of Objects     |

DDSTATHIST |      DD: Statistical Data for Conversion     |

DDSTEXTIDX |      Header Information of External Index     |

DDSTORAGE |      Storage clause for tables and indexes     |

DDSTORAGE1 |      Storage clause for tables and indexes     |

DDSTORAGE2 |      Storage clause for tables and indexes     |

DDSYM10TAB |      Symbol table (CHAR10)     |

DDSYMTAB |      Symbol table (as reference structure)     |

DDSYN |      Parameters for Buffer Synchronization     |

DDTABFDS |      DD: Structure/table name - field name with lengths     |

DDTABLE |      Structure for Table Information     |

DDTABNAME |      Only table name     |

DDTABTVAL |      DD: Control string for TABT values checks     |

DDTBCLASS |      DD: Control String for Checking TABCLASS <-> SQLTAB     |

DDTBFD |      DD: Table Name, Field Assignment     |

DDTBFDCHK |      Control String for Table Checks (Fields)     |

DDTBFKCHK |      Control String for Foreign Key Checks in Table Activator     |

DDTBHDCHK |      Control String for Table Checks (Header)     |

DDTBIXCHK |      Control String for the Index Checks     |

DDTCCT |      DD: Cluster Tables -> Table Clsuter - Assignment     |

DDTEMPL |      DD: Structure for mapping SKIND -> text     |

DDTEXTDATA |      Data cluster as text     |

DDTIMER |      DD: Basic tools, timer structure     |

DDTRKORR |      DD: Structure for Transport Requests     |

DDTTACTRES |      DD: Status of Table Types (Activator Results)     |

DDTTSTATE |      DD: Result when reading the TABT activation set     |

DDTYPEDESC |      Description of an ABAP Dictionary Type     |

DDTYPEGET |      Control structure for DD_TYPEINFO_GET     |

DDTYPES |      Table of all Dictionary types and classes     |

DDTYPET |      ABAP/4 Dictionary: Texts for type groups     |

DDUDMPAR |      Parameters for attribute maintenance / partial objects     |

DDUDT |      DD: Include for user, date, time     |

DDVAL |      Generated table for view DDVAL     |

DDVE1 |      Value Table for Domain DDVERINT4     |

DDVEPR |      Check Table with Two Key Fields     |

DDWHERECND |      DD: Lines of where condition     |

DDXTF |      Nametab field structure for delayed writing     |

DDXTT |      Nametab header structure for delayed writing     |

DDYN |      Interface Between ABAPhelp and Help Processor     |

DDYTF |      Substitution Nametab (shadow-shadow-nametab for DDXTF)     |

DDYTT |      Substitution Nametab (shadow-shadow-nametab for DDXTT)     |

DD_LB_TEST |      Generated Table for View DD_LB_TEST     |





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