Hi Mallik,
Currently the Columns are exactly like you have shown in your reply. You can see there is duplication, e.g. For US LC = USD, hence USD is appearing three times altogether
1000.00 USD 1500.00 USD 2000.00 USD --------------Users do not want duplication of USD, they want two extra currency key column should not be displayed...We can do that...
Now they need values should be presented in Currency format...
in stead of,
1000.00 1500.00 2000.00
it should be
$1000.00 $1500.00 $2000.00
Now the challenge is how to get these Currency symbols prefix($,£ etc) dynamically, i.e. based on Currency Key value...when USD ->$, when GBP -> £
Moreover, when User export it to an Excel, these columns should not change to Text, it should remain as number so that excel calculations (Sum, Average...) can be performed
Thanks and Regards,