Hi, we have the following scenario:
- For an Item under an Initiative, the Item status (In preparation to In Progress) is supposed to set the Initiative status to Released
- The Item Decision Point status change is supposed to change the corresponding (linked) Initiative Decision Point status accordingly
We have set the DFM config by which the Initiative Phase drives the Initiative Decision Point. When we create an Initaitive (without any items), the flow works fine. Initiative status set to Released, releases the first phase of the Initiative, and also sets the first Decision Point status to In Progress (from In Preparation - in lin with the DFM config). Also, when we set the status of the first Initaitive Phase to Complete, we see that the corresponding linked Initiative Decision Point status also gets set to Completed (in line with the config). As a result, the second Initiative Phase status is Released, and the cycle goes on.
However, when we create an Initaitive and then create an Item under this Initiative, the cycle does not work. The expecation is that when the Item status is changed to In Progress (from In Preparation), the Initiative status must be set to Released. Also, the first Initiative Phase must set to Released, and the first Initiative DP must be set to In Progress. However, when we set the Item status to In Progress (from the initiatial status In Preparation), we get an error message - "Mapped status is not present in the list of allowable statuses". This error goes away on subsequent Item save, and the Intiaitive status gets set to Released. However, the first Initaitive Phase still shows Created, and the cycle breaks.
What could be missing?
The message "Mapped status is not present in the list of allowable statuses" seems to be the indicator. However, the configuration is all complete.
We have done the following:
- Under Map Portfolio Management status to DFM Business transaction, we have set this:
Source Grouping: Item; Target Grouping Initaitive; Old status (0001 - In Preparation); New status (0002 - In Progress); DFM Bus Tran. DFM1 (Release)
- Under DFM Business Transaction to Project / Initaitive Business Transaction
Target Grouping: Initiaitve; Source Grouping: Portfolio Item; DFM Business transaction: DFM1; Target Business transaction: DX01 (Release)
Additionally, for the Initiative and Item Phase and DP.
Under Map Project / Initiative Business transaction to DFM Business transaction
Source Gr: Initiative Phase; Target Gr: Initaitive DP; Source Business transaction: DX01 (Release); DM Bus transation: DFM1 (Release)
Under Map DFM Business transaction to Portfolio Management Status
Target Grouping: Initiatve DP; Source Gr: Init Phase; DFM Bus Tran: DFM1 (Release); Portfo Mgt Status: (0002 - In Progress)
Please advise....