Good news Jigar!
I went to the system and worked for some time and then I’ve got it.
Solution is very simple, but you need to know the philosophy behind.
It is like this:
The need for going to the system is to know the field name of the System status field used by Standard selection screen of this LDB. I wasn’t able to get it from EP login from residence. The field name is P_SYST1 (Sequence number 28)
This is obviously one of the standard select-options in Infoset ‘Selections’ tab. But the point is this is a Parameter not a Select-option.
Now if we can create our own system status selection field (say, P_SYST) and succeeded in having F4 help, the task remains is to pass the value selected to the standard field ie., original system status in the screen. Now, taking into consideration all these the point, following steps are to be done.
Everything to do is in the Infoset only.
Step1: Create a Selection field (P_SYST) selecting the Parameter radio button.
Step2: Define it this way. The magic doer is the string TJ30T-TXT04
This will look this way after completing.
Step3: Now go to the Code tab, select START-OF-SELECTION section and write this code as shown below.
Save the code and Generate Infoset ( 'Do all fields ...' message if appears say OK)
Through this code we are telling the LDB to take the value specified in the field created by us to the original System Status field.
Now run SQ01 afresh and see the result.
The selection screen would look like this. The F4 help is available for you with all its features.
I hope you know that you can personalize the long-list of f4 help, so that only few (CRTD, PCNF, CNF, REL, TECO, DLFL, CLSD etc) of your choice would appear, when you click F4 help.
You can now hide the original 'System Status' through a variant.
Jogeswara Rao K