HI Shraddha Purohit ...
Seams Link is wrong check with this link
From OINV II inner join INV1 I On I.DocEntry=II.DocEntry
left outer join DLN1 D on I.BaseEntry=D.DocEntry and I.BaseType=15 and I.BaseLine=D.LineNum
left outer join ODLN DD on DD.DocEntry=D.DocEntry
left outer join RDR1 O on (I.BaseEntry=O.DocEntry and I.BaseType=17 and I.BaseLine=O.LineNum)
or (D.BaseEntry=O.DocEntry and D.BaseType=17 and D.BaseLine=O.LineNum)
left outer join ORDR OO on OO.DocEntry=O.DocEntry
left outer join QUT1 Q on (O.BaseEntry=Q.DocEntry and O.BaseType=23 and O.BaseLine=Q.LineNum)
or (I.BaseEntry=Q.DocEntry and I.BaseType=23 and I.BaseLine=Q.LineNum)
or (D.BaseEntry=Q.DocEntry and D.BaseType=23 and D.BaseLine=Q.LineNum)
left outer join OQUT QQ on QQ.DocEntry=Q.DocEntry
Hope Helpful