We are facing a similar issue with our YTD consolidation model. The YTD measure returns correct results for all account types; however the PERIODIC and QTD measure for INC and EXP account types will not present the data correctly for reporting. In a trend report, the first month with no results will be negated as the measures take 0 - prior month YTD. (EX PERIODIC . Month 1 = 10, Month 2 = 20, Month 3 = with no data shows as -30). We are attempting to workaround this using a YTD worksheet with data from BPC and a 2nd worksheet which calculates a periodic trend report. This has made the EPM reporting task quite challenging. We face the same issue with the QTD measure which appears to be based upon the PERIODIC measures values. How do other companies use the YTD storage model and report against PERIODIC measures?