To amplify expert Alok's answer; here is a link to a good starting place
Building Blocks
In addition, there are industry specific solutions available documented to the same level of detail in Best Practices.
The reason is, we have to explain those existing standard PP processes which are existing in SAP ECC 6.0 to our clients, later we will get their exact requirements which are suitable to their business.
This is an odd way to go about managing an engagement; unless your consulting company's business model is to offer "Fast-Track" type fixed solutions. It is not normally part of an initial engagement to teach the client about possible SAP solutions; instead, it is more common to spend days or weeks with the client, interviewing him, until you get a good understanding of his business requirements. Only then would you begin to show him the possible solutions that you believe meet his requirements, using your implementation experience and business knowledge.
Best regards,