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Re: Steps on configuring both sender and receiver scenario for IDOC_AAE


Hi Jonathan,


While I am not an expert in configuring the IDoc adapter, I'd like to try to help you with information about the organization of the documentation so that it would be easier for you to find what you need.


For 7.3 and later releases, the right way to access the documentation for PI is http://help.sap.com/netweaver> choose release (for example http://help.sap.com/nw731/ ) > Application Help > Function-Oriented View > choose language (for example English) > Process Integration. This is the places where you would find all technical details about configuring and using PI.

Please note that on the Application Help step there is a 'SAP NetWeaver Process Integration' link. It leads to overview documentation for PI, which is intended as an introduction for PI and does not provide many configuration details.


Now, from what I know PO is Java-only PI (AEX, and so on) with BPM integrated. The documentation you access with the path provided above contains everything available for PI. Consider the following when browsing this documentation:

  • First, about PO. When viewing 'SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View' there is a 'Process Orchestration' node there. I think it contains only information specific for using AEX and BPM together. If you need details for configuring and using AEX or BPM - no matter whether part of PO or not - you should use the corresponding documentation.
  • For AEX, this documentation is in SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View > Process Integration > Advanced Adapter Engine. In particular, you could find useful the information there in Adapter Configuration > Configuring the IDoc Adapter (Advanced Adapter Engine).
  • For BPM, this documentation is in SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View > Composition Environment > Business Process Management.



Hope this helps,


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