Analysis depends on what type of document you are printing: Is it a Smart Form (=form created via transaction smartforms) or is it an "SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe" form (created via SFP+AdobeDesigner, sometimes called Adobe Forms or PDF forms)?
In case of Smart Forms you should check the device type of your SAP printer in transaction SPAD. Only few non-SAPWIN SAP device types support printing Chinese directly to a network printer from Smart Forms. You either need a printer with built-in Chinese fonts plus a matching device type (like CNHPLJ4) or need to set up printing via a Windows printserver running SAPsprint and use device type SWINCF (or CNSAPWIN).
IFbA on the other hand normally has no trouble printing Chinese to a PCL or PostScript printer. I assume that you are using a PCL or PostScript device type in SPAD for your network printer (like HPLJ8000 or POST2). In this case the ADS server embeds the Chinese font in the PCL/PS print data.
Hope this helps. Regards, Alex